Sage 6100-4 R8 Core with Hatch Iconic 5+ large arbor reel (black/silver) and SA Amplitude Infinity WF6F line

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Sage 6100-4 R8 Core rod
Hatch Iconic 5+ reel, large arbor, black/silver
Scientific Anglers Amplitude Infinity WF6F line

Package Market Value: $1883

The Sage 6100-4 R8 Core and Hatch Iconic reel are equally at home on windy stillwaters, summer steelhead rivers and every “big water” trout stream in the West.  Ideal for high-stick nymphing on the Gunnison or swinging a Green Butt Skunk on the Deschutes, this long and lean 6-weight fishes a wide variety of lines effectively, including sink tips, full sinking lake lines, full floating nymph tapers and single hand Spey lines.

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